Feb 25, 2010

MATTA n bridal fair vs induction weeks

Waa.. so sad when my wishes.. just left as wishes.. Juz like when u want to own a Toyota wish and end up just wishing.. pe la aku mengarut ni kan.. :D Well actually, I've been planning like a month to really go to this event with my buah hati, Iwan dearest..  plus, Ijan also wants to meet me there.. really want to try to take a look at honeymoon package. Plus, I really want to go to bridal fair so that I can view certain things and decide what I really want for my wedding. 

Now, all those plan should be gone with the wind.. I've got an offer letter to go to induction. Since it will surely, involve my confirmation to my current position.. I should just say, yes, I will go. But, it's kind of cruel that it will be done during school holidays that people have planned this and that.. :( Whatever.. I just go with the flow..

So, it means.. I have to cancel my trip to MATTA and bridal fair that is as well important to me :( Iwan  probably will still go to just look around. But I know he's not always in the mood if he has to do it alone.. it will not be that fun as when we're doing it together. Well, well.. let's hope we manage to find some good things for our wedding..

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