Feb 25, 2012

Khayra 13th Week

Khayra gets better at her 13th Week.. On Tuesday her fever still comes in evening.. her cough still there.. but her mood and appetite are good.. I'm so worried why it doesn't goes away. On Thursday, my mom told me that I should take Khayra back to clinic to ask the doctor. My dad even told me that Klinik Panel yg bagus for kids as far as he knows are Klinik Dr Rosli Seksyen 18 and Klinik Soraya. Klinik Soraya banyak doktor during day time je.. (Clinic Check Up mengandung ku :D)Tu Klinik yang dia selalu bawak ktorang dlu.

So, Thursday night jugak I bring Khayra to Klinik Dr Rosli. Dr dia tak tau la Dr pe tapi nampak macam dah berumur sikit so maybe banyak experience :D I told the doctor about her fever..cough and even the medicine yang previous Dr dah bagi.. He just ask me to continue with Rhinathiol with 0.5ml increase dose ngan add with 1 mild antibiotic.. Cephalexin.. I don't know bout other Moms but I was raised up with lots of medicine around and get use to read the label... :D like ventolin for asthma and actifed or claritin for flu n allergy, paracetamol usually for fever/tahan sakit.. hehe.. that's common medicine right. I even try to remember sebijik brape gram.. sebab kadang - kadang kena belah 2 :p Now, ingat every medicine yg doktor bagi pada anak and dose nya skali. So I start giving Khayra Cephalexin.. and her fever did becomes better.

Actually, I don't like antibiotic... Our body should build the antibody for us.. I usually skip antibiotic unless I don't see improvement with my fever sebab antibiotic kan kena habiskan bila dah start makan. I heard that baby tak patut diberikan antibiotic unless we have too.. I hope doctor will not simply give antibiotic to my baby unless she really needs it. It really make me confuse whether to give antibiotic or not.. I hope she wasn't abused.. And she's breastfed.. From ape yg saya baca.. Antibiotic hanya boleh hapuskan bakteria.. not viral infection, something from virus. But bakteria baik pon akan terhapus skali bila makan antibiotik :( But I give Khayra that antibiotic finally because it's a week already her fever doesn't really improved.. See article from Dr Azwan about antibiotic here.

Khayra Luv playing with atuk

 Khayra dah pandai mintak Aichik dukung :D

Takpe la.. yang penting Khayra dah makin sihat skarang.. her cough sometimes comes but greatly reduce. I think I'll wait till antibiotic finished and see if her cough continue. 

Monday, hubby cuti after 3 days outstation. Sukenya saya.. Khayra start to notice that she can scream differently when crying.. :o It's too loud with new rhythm and she just love to repeat it.. ump.. a 3 Months old punye perangai kot.. Now, last week before Mama gets to work.. Wish that I have enough milk.. My stock so little..

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