Jun 19, 2010

Doa yang cantik...

Untuk saya ingat.. dan untuk anda renungkan..

Ya Allah..
Sembuhkanlah kami dari penyakit- penyakit  seperti Engkau sembuhkan Nabi Ayub.. 
Temukan kami pada penyelesaian masalah kami seperti Engkau temukan kepada Nabi Yunus.. 
Berkatilah rezeki serta harta kami seperti Engkau berkati Nabi Sulaiman..
Bantulah kami dalam perjuangan hidup kami seperti Engkau membantu Nabi Musa..
Tabahkan kami menempuh segala dugaan seperti Engkau tabahkan Nabi Isa..
Cantikkan akhlak serta pekerti kami seperti cantiknya akhlak Nabi Muhammad S.A.W..   
Kurniakanlah kami rumahtangga yang bahagia, isteri dan anak yang solleh seperti yang Engkau kurniakan kepada keluarga Ali dan Fatimah..

It happens that I heard my parents watch a program on tv and the ustaz is reciting the doa.. It might not be so exactly (some of the wording la) but if you read the prophet's story, you probably know how worst the health of Nabi Ayub one time and Allah cured him.. and how Nabi Yunus survive when he was thrown to the sea and being eaten by a big fish, Nun.. but Allah save him and show him his way.. and how rich Nabi Sulaiman is but he is still a good person.. how badly treated Nabi Isa is because of he was born by a virgin mother, Mariam.. how wonderfull and beautiful, the character of Nabi Muhammad and how happy, great and loving family is the family of Ali and Fatimah.. So, Allah did gives us some example trough history that was presented in the holly Quran and trough the hadith of Nabi Muhammad. Why not pray to Allah to be all this greatest person which we've known how Allah also gives loves and Barakah to them..

Plus, yesterday got a ceramah at my office.. So this ustazah is teaching us about a great Solat.. Just to share few things that she said.. Solat is the first thing that Allah will count when we die.. then only other good deeds.. A person and solat is like A person with a basket.. when we perform our prayer, we got a basket.. this basket is the thing that we use to put in other good deeds inside.. so puasa, sedekah and all that will be put in that basket.. if we didn't perform our solat.. we got no basket.. so where goes other deeds.. seems like it scattered all over the place.. then if our solat is not perfect, we get a basket with a hole then.. all the other deeds can come out of the basket trough the hole kan.. So solat yang paling penting..
And she told us that doa antara dua sujud is a perfect doa actually.. because the meaning is like this:

Ya Allah, ampunilah aku, rahmatilah daku, kayakan daku, angkatlah darjatku, rezekikan aku, berilah aku hidayah, sihatkan daku dan maafkan lah daku..

When we look back.. after kita rukuk dan memuji Allah sebagai Azim.. (Maha Mulia) dan sujud kita memuji Allah sebagai A'la.. (Maha Tinggi), duduk antara dua sujud waktu yang baik berdoa.. iaitu antara dua pujian kita kepada Allah yang Dia Maha Tinggi.. - (my point of view)

Ok.. kahwin patut bring us to be a more better person.. so I hope I can be a much more better person bila kahwin.. jadi hope boleh lengkapkan diri dengan ilmu.

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