Mar 13, 2009


(4th January 2009)

We wake up early in the morning. I had some breakfast and sitting with me is a Brazillian guy who claims that his grandfather is actually from somewhere in Lombardi and he is actually here to ask for citizenship. He said he has traveled to several city from the south and now it’s time for him to travel around Umbria before his appointment. He talked about how much he loves Asissi and staying there the whole day to enjoy Asissi and today, he just about to enjoy the day at Lago Trasimeno. I did got excited heard about all this wonderful place and can’t wait for the day to travel.

Inzy at first told me that Ching Tat will help us so we can use minimetro just like yesterday. I actually feel so tired thinking about all the bags I had to carry and prefer a taxi ride but she thinks we can make it so I just follow. Inzy change her plan and want us to use the bus from fontivegge station but when she ask the woman there, she said that there’s no bus stop near our house. Upset, we just take the taxi to our new house. It’s 12 euro.. Not that cheap.

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