Hubby is the most excited person when I confirmed it!!
I remember my first test.. I just feel like testing and it's actually not even 1 week since my suppose to be period date. It's not morning but I just want to try.. I don't know.. but the test come negative. So i don't put any hope.. well, maybe Miss Pd just going to visit me late again..
Monday.. 3 days later, Miss Pd still doesn't show any sign.. so I went to clinic.. actually saje je temankan my officemate sakit perut nak jumpa doktor. She ask me why don't I let the doctor do the test.. I'm scared and I don't feel like having any hope that time. Thinking of maybe I have other problems, I go and check with the doctor and luckily, the result is positive. Unfortunately, nurse yg bgtau just at the counter when I collect my folic acid..
I call hubby smangat sangat nak bagitau.. tapi hubby cakap weird that the doctor tak bgtau terus to me.. I haven't been to that clinic actually so I don't know what to expect. But I got my appointment card. Pastu balik.. hubby ajak pergi beli test lagi.. just to confirm and he wants to see with his own eyes.. :) It's a positive test.. then he begin to feel convinced. A week after that we test again with the digital one.. and he's so excited when the screen really show 'Pregnant'.. hehe.. We went to scan later just to ensure that the baby is there and she's fine.. :)
Besh tau test with this :) Excited when kat skrin tulis pregnant..
Mula - mula, when I got the news.. I'm at OK state.. I eat lots.. so excited that I feel like arranging my diet so I can eat healthy for my dear baby.. but at 6 weeks.. things change.. I start to feel head ache.. lots.. Like it's always there and never stop.. sometimes mild.. sometimes it turns worst.. I feel like vomiting tapi tak muntah.. My friend told me that dia muntah.. pastu lega dan rase boleh makan cam biase.. tapi different to my case.. tak bleh nak muntah but always feel like something to throw up je.. My sense pon jadi different.. I hate passing at restaurant with mixed food smell..
I always feel like nak makan.. so excited when pick up the food but end up eating really small.. I found it's hard to eat rice.. If makan pon sikit dan tak berkuah.. It comes to the state that dapat makan pon Alhamdulillah.. I prefer sweet things.. :) and I prefer eating bread.. I hardly know selera sendiri dah skarang.. everything just try an error.. but still I'm glad that I can eat something compare to orang lain yang sometimes tak bleh makan pon..
I don't feel so sick in morning.. Still boleh control lagi.. I find it's easier to eat during breakfast. I tend to feel so sick after works.. Don't feel like eating dinner so much.. Malam and weekend lebih suka rehat dari jalan.. kalo kluar pon.. cepat - cepat nak ajak hubby balik sebab kepala berpusing2.. Ump.. betul2 harap this phase will last so I can feel healthy and eat healthier for my lil one..
So, this is how it feels like to get pregnant... bila sabar kurang, terfikir gak dulu susah mama kite mengandung. Hubby pon pujuk2.. kena sabar banyak2.. Bukan senang nak dapat baby.. Kena susah - susah mengandung.. tapi kena banyak - banyak sabar.. Bila fikir2.. pelik orang yang dapat baby pastu buang.. :(
Hopefully.. kite akan berjaya melalui pregnancy ni dengan baik.. Amin!!
alhamdulillah..tahniah hana..take care ok..
Thanx Kina :)
tahniah mommy-to-be~~..;)
congrats Hana..dah nak dapat baby dah :). Be safe ok
Thanx jihan n cik kentang :)
alhamdulillah..congrats ya =)
congrats hana..take care..pray for me too k :)
blogwakling n found u :)
anyway, im so happy to hear that..bila laa pulak my turn kan...
Thanks smue :)Insya Allah nanti ade rezki kite smue..
i am soooooooo happy for u about the gud news hana!! hihi..congrats dear =)
btw, biskut oreo akan dijual seperti biasa tahun ada kenaikan harga sikit sbb harga raw ingredients mahai2 dah skrg..huhu..elektik pon nak naik tarif dah..wuwu..nnt hana akan up update kat blog..jgn lupe LIKE fb fanpage Sedapsedapbelaka.
hihi..take care hana.
Thanx hana.. Dah like dh page hana tu.. tak sabar nak order biskut sedap tu :)
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